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Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


How to make cheese cake Nastar

----+Fill the cake:

600 grams of pineapple, grated
5 cm cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
200 grams of granulated sugar
3 cloves
3 tsp lemon juice

----+The skin material on the cake this Nastar:

200 grams of margarine
2 egg yolks
425 grams of wheat flour
50 grams of milk powder
100 grams of butter
100 grams of powdered sugar
200 grams of grated cheddar cheese

----+required spread on the cake this Nastar:

2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons of liquid milk
50 grams of grated cheese for topping
How to make cheese cake Nastar think this is as follows

----+To Fill:

Cook pineapple,
cinnamon and cloves to dry.
Put sugar and salt.
Stir until dry.
Add the lemon juice.
Mix well and chill.
after that

Beat margarine, butter and powdered sugar for 30 seconds. Add egg yolks. beat well
Put the flour, milk powder and grated cheese. Stir well.
Take a little dough, put the contents and spherical shape. Put on a baking sheet thatberoles margarine.
5 minutes with the oven temperature of 140 C. Remove from the oven, rub the yolkthen sprinkle with grated cheese.
Oven for 25 minutes with a temperature of 140
Completed, Nastar a delicious cake ready to serve

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